get it done

verb ( to get it done): the act of solving any problem, especially when you have no idea how to solve the problem. Not to be confused with "get er done" or "git er done" which are commonly used by rednecks for a similar purpose
Kellen: I don't know how the fuck to do these EE problems.
Erik: Well why don't you just get it done?
by xCAPTAIN DOUCHEx March 7, 2006
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get that done..

getting the deed done.. as in beej or sex in someones house that you hardly know.. or just getting it done while your young
the term meaning
"get that done.." while your young
or just simply giving the goods to a duddler
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Get It Done

Drinking until you can't handle it anymore, smoking until your lungs collapse, enjoying being fucked up with your friends, having a good time, and doing it again the next day.
Matt Strapdaddy: Get It Done
by Sigma Alpha Mu DX January 26, 2011
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getting shit done

The act of working efficiently, achieving set goals and being generally productive, while simultaneously looking as cool as a cucumber. See: Australianisms
Where is Jeff tonight?

He can't come, he's getting shit done.
by bigdog14 September 24, 2014
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Get 'er Done

A redneck term used to prod a fellow to complete a task; i.e. finish a beer.
by Tommy Wommy Womsters September 25, 2003
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get shit done

I really need to concentrate on getting shit done these next few weeks.
get shit done
by PineappleJuice March 24, 2015
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Get er' done!

To finish something. Word of encouragement.
:Let's gpo down to the disco and pick a fight.
:Get er done.
by Anonymous August 13, 2003
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