The conservative slight-of-hand when defending outsourcing jobs by saying that it is not the role of private enterprise to solve the nations unemployment problem but rather to make profits for their shareholders. And then when discussing taxes, contradicting themselves by asserting that it is not the role of government to create jobs but for the private sector. Which is why they need massive tax breaks.
Paying lower taxes so they can destroy American industry is the greatest Conjob in recent history.
by 07079 August 7, 2011
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A bizarre female aide to Donald J. Trump who spouts fibs, "alternate facts" and looks like she got hit with a bag full of nickels. (i.e Kellyanne Conway).
" Did you watch Conjob spout more of Trump's garbage on CNN?"
by Railroaded March 8, 2017
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Conjob is a classic boy name Conner in the 80’s
Conjob is a boy that is living in a big house
by Conner job October 15, 2017
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1) when someone takes one of your posetions and hides it, yet you know they have it.

2) A mild insult.
1) "Give me my phone back, I know you have it, conjob!"

2) "Darren is a right conjob" or "CONJOB!!!"
by Ashley Jordan May 2, 2008
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An apt nickname for the Counselor to the President who has possibly told more lies than Putin’s Bitch himself.
She is the master comeback artist of all time, that blonde and dynamic circus-barker, Kellyanne Conjob.
by Dr Bunnygirl January 4, 2019
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The Supreme Court justice with the least integrity due to the deeply calculating manipulation she employed to pass through the many hoops in the vetting process.
Without Amy Conjob Barrett sitting on the Supreme Court, we would all be faced with the frightening prospect of women continuing to have control over their bodies and their lives.
by Dr Bunnygirl June 3, 2022
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