When an event is built up to be one thing, positive, but turns out to be another, negative. The person being directly affected is usually left feeling like a chump. Much the way real Amway representatives get people pumped about "business opportunities" and turns out they just want someone to sell their shit.
I was completely Amwayed by Pat at the show the other night. He spent all last week hyping up this new band. Not only did he not show up, he never let me know he wasn't coming AND the band sucked!
by E.Gads September 6, 2011
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Proud peddlers of overpriced shit. And I can't believe so many people buy their products!
If you want a can of beans, don't pay $7.99 (plus shipping and handling) from the Amway store. Just buy it at your local grocery store for 79 cents.
by amway sux July 20, 2003
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Amway has ripped off millions of people for several decades, to the tune of 10s of billions of dollars.

Amway is a scam, and here's why: Amway pays out as little money as they can get away with, so they support the higher level IBOs ripping off their downline via the tool scam.

As a result, about 99% of IBOs operate at a net loss, while the top 1% make several TIMES more from their Amway tool scam than from the Amway products. This was made illegal in the UK in 2008, but our FTC is unable to pull their heads out of their butts to stop it here.

Read about it on this website: thenetprofitgroup.yolasite.com and forward the information to everyone you know, so they don't get scammed.
Hi, I'm an Amway LCK(#1). I promote Amway, but make most of my money/lifestyle from ripping off my group via the ATS (#9).
by Textex March 27, 2010
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The act of being suckered into listening to a multilevel marketing spiel by friends or family under the guise of their new "exciting business opportunity".
We got amwayed yesterday. Jane and Dick wanted to come over to talk about their new business opportunity. Little did we know ahead of time that it involved Amway.
by fldsofglry April 17, 2013
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It's bad enough that their stuff costs too much. It's even worse when they have door-to-door salespeople harassing you every Saturday morning.
Damn you, Amway! Can't you motherfuckers just leave me alone so I can get some sleep?
by Roy October 3, 2003
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More like Shamway to me. I'm not buying their shit.
The Amway cult only wants to convert you into a mindless slave of their company, which only exists to drain money off suckers who buy their inferior-quality products.
by middle finger August 26, 2003
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This pyramid scheme/Multi-Level Marketing cult is also known as Quickstar or Quixtar.

This cult reaps huge profits from making expensive motivational videoes/tapes and numerous seminars which basically try to convince you to purchase even more motivational videoes/tapes. To even make a profit from selling their ridiculously EXPENSIVE product line, you have to already have a shitload of money, preferrably in the hundred$ of thou$and$, which is why they have celebrities and sports-stars promoting their crap.
I made the terrible mistake of attending an Amway/Quickstar seminar last week. 146 minutes of my life wasted listening to a bunch of rich white people preaching religious sermons about how their products will "change your life" if you purchase their motivational crap in order to become even more interested in their cult and their pricey products.
by sarcastic June 21, 2004
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