A cult that promotes its expensive products in order to convert potential followers.
I think i will work for Amway now that my house is chock full of useless Amway products that cost ten times as much as products I can buy at a local store.
by AYB April 6, 2003
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a bunch of misfit wankers suckering those people who are really vunerable and really need to spend their money elsewhere,
I was so fucking hardup not having a job or income, I was still forced to drive 120 miles each way with no fucking insurance no MOT on my car and an out of date tax disc to a dream weekend and when I got there had to sleep in the boot of my car not one tosser even offered me a spare bed in their hotel room, I have fucked up so many relationships and frienships over this bollocks, when I left I felt like I had recovered from cancer! I cannot apologise enough to the people I was unlucky enough to sponser into the group and who they sponsored.
by Irsh July 29, 2004
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A Company that allows you to earn profit on your own time! YOU BITCHES WHO ARE COMPLAINING ARE JUST MAD BECAUSE YOU CAN'T RETAIL PRODUCTS! HA! Learn how to be personable and how to be a saleman! This ain't a "get rich quick" scheme so stop treating it like one!

By the way, the products that your upline might push on you are optional. If you can't say "no" but rather blow your money, that's your fault, not Amway's!

I don't care what any of you say, money talks and I make money off of these products!

(Don't count my words as the words of every Amway IBO. I'm not a Amway Employee so I don't represent corporate, I'm just a IBO making money. I normally don't curse but you NON-SELLING BITCH ASS COMPLAINERS who can't make that bread be in the way!)
Amway Money-making
by OWN BOSS! November 10, 2012
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one thing can change ur life..
the system which is conected with the componyB W W can change a man (negative to positive).but it supports only when u join amway.don't thing compony takes much profit think that how can u get?
by kartik March 4, 2004
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The point within a dialogue or conversation where someone begins to gradually shift (or suddenly shift) focus of the conversation from the original false pretense to the true intention of espousing their recent foray into the world of multi-level marketing thus beginning with immense zeal, their well-rehearsed recruitment speech. This moment is intensified by the nature of the other party initiating the conversation shift. This party is usually one of the following:

1) An acquaintance you have just met and were beginning to possibly explore later friendship.

2) One with whom you may possibly be interested in from a romantic point of view and they seem to be reciprocating.

3) An old friend, colleague, spouse, or significant other with whom you have recently reconnected with via the Internet or in person.

A similar form of usage would be: "to go Amway on you" or "He ruined a good chance of getting her in the sack when he prematurely went Amway on her."
1.) Prior to the Amway moment, the conversation was going well. For a second there, I actually thought I had made a new friend.

2.) Once that Amway moment happens with a friend, the friendship is irrevocably broken to a certain extent.
by nerdodamus September 23, 2016
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Amway Christian is fundamentalist Christian who has forgotten the original message of Jesus Christ- to help the less fortunate. Amway Christians subvert the message to instead become a celebration of how rich Jesus has made them. Socially conservative Christians who utilize multi-level marketing, akin to Amway Corporation, combining Christianity and capitalism without seeing the contradiction.
"This Church parking lot is full of Mercedes and Lexuses.
The Amway Christians must be having their bible study meeting."
by That's right April 25, 2006
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