When capitalized, Republican refers to a member of the Republican Party. When lower-case, republican means someone who is capable of jaw-dropping hypocrisy.
You didn't care one bit about the proven Russian interference in the 2016 election, but you think we need to overturn an election and start a Congressional investigation based on the paranoid delusions of a self-obsessed sociopath? How republican of you!
by IrmaGurd December 30, 2021
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When someone starts dancing like Donald Trump that looks like he is air jerking two guys at once with his double fist pumping to music.
In that 3 way i would totally go republican dance style on those hot guys, but ive already voted blue.
by TheBlueWave November 7, 2020
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Very slow and boring pornography that gets the job done in an offensive way. (Once extremely popular from 2000-2008)
Guy 1: I don't have time to search for my fetish today, I need satisfactory porn now!

Guy 2: Try Republican porn, it's the vanilla ice cream of porn!
by 17%ofwomen April 25, 2014
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A homosexual person who does not embrace or support others with their identity.

Someone who publicly condemns homosexuality but engages in it privately
Clint isn’t coming to the pride parade because he’s republican gay
by Pseudidilyudenym August 5, 2022
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A republican woman who marries a democrat with multiple children and supports schools, low taxes and minimal government intervention. Lunches on Capitol Hill and sometimes consults. Has very wealthy in-laws and friends in the NE.
I am a carpool republican- I married a guy from Georgetown and my kids go St. Peter’s I enjoy lunch at Old Ebbit, Capitol Grill and sometimes my work is published in Politico and I make over 170k when I am working!
by CapitolHillNJ November 17, 2021
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A republican that is secretly a pan sexual or has more than one cast iron skillet of the same size
Hey buddy I noticed your MAGA hat and those two 8" cast iron skillets you had hanging above the stove, I'm just gonna co.e out and say it, are you a pan republican?
by Wondering thoughts September 24, 2023
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