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One who plays games on an Xbox console strictly to garner Gamerscore, as opposed to genuinely enjoying the game
Tim: Dude, the new Superhot gives so much Gamerscore! I can't wait to boost that.
Tom: Shouldn't you care about the game itself rather than the Gamerscore it provides?
Tim: No.
Tom: Damn Gamerscore Whore
by April 12, 2021
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A prestigious bloodline that migrated to the United States on the back of an owl. Often they express the phrase, “Sin City till I die nigga.”
the Thennakoon’s.
by November 22, 2021
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Anaijah is a name for a girl who is smart, beautiful, who can come off rude if you do some she doesn't like. She's a loving person and always go out her way to look out for others if needed.
Dang! Anaijah is the best person i ever met.
by September 14, 2020
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A beautiful girl that has a heart of gold and attracts every male that walks past her
Juanè is one of the most gorgeous girls I know.
I heard Juanè helped at the old age home.
by November 22, 2021
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Person 1: Juanes a count

Person 2:yeah I agree
by November 24, 2021
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