A short funny looking little old Mexican man that truly believes he is a better fisherman than everyone he meets. He's cocky ,arrogant and of course completely delusional. He has also been known to poach .
Oh damn fisherman Rick is fishing , let's avoid him he's so annoying.
by imjustsayin33 April 9, 2023
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Person who makes en extremely discrimnatory post and decides if its bait or not depending on the reaction they recieve
"Guys i really hate *incert minority*"

*possitive reaction* "yeah they suck"
*negative reaction* "dude u fell for the bait lmao"
"You are a complete schroedinger's fisherman dumbass"
by Brainrot Person August 16, 2022
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Someone who makes impulsive fish-based purchases.
Mikey: "David... What are you holding?"
David: "A wooden plank with a fish painted on it!"
Mikey: "Why?..."
David: "Cmon dude, you know I'm an Urban Fisherman!"
by BlueXander May 25, 2023
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The extremely compelx act of gathering the ingredients of a taco, which includes: tortilla, beef, lettuce, cheese, tomato, hot sauce, etc. and smushing them all together in one's right hand. When these ingredients are thoroughly mixed together, proceed to fist your woman in the vagina. After continuously fisting the female, the taco ingredients should all be placed inside her vagina. Finally, proceed to eat out the female's vagina which should taste like delicious fish tacos!
Alec: yo bro what you doin?
Dan: nothin man I gotta relax after last night.
Alec: why chief, what happened?
Dan: me and my girl were hungry so we went to taco bell, then I gave her the good ol' Mexican Fisherman.
by thekevinsmyrl May 17, 2011
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When you catch a large amount of fish out at sea on a fishing boat, one must grab one of the fish and use the fish slime as a lubricant. You then bust a nut into the ocean. This is known as Fishermans Load.
Jakub Chickowski: Guys! I jut caught a bunch of fish!

Lennon Vipond: Yes! Now we can perform Fisherman’s Load
by Grant Hansen July 2, 2018
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