A Waste person is a fat sonovabitch that joins the Canadian Army and gets a pussy job as a transport officer or as a stores man. They usually think they are tough, elite, hardcore and ultimate soldiers but they are useless tossers and complete assholes.

You can tell right away if someone in the Canadian Army is waste because they have at least two chins, they take a smoke break at least once per hour, their fatigues resemble a moo moo, they promote fat asses into positions of authority, they never show up for morning exercise, they take credit for all the work their subordinates do, they get their flunkies to install blinds and air conditioners in their offices, they golf during work hours at least once per week, they yell at people for petty things and they can always be found with a cup of Timmies in hand.
The Army Reserve is full of Waste people and Wasty Soldiers that do fuck all and waste our tax money.
by Wasty Warrior August 23, 2008
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1.What happens when you do drugs or alcohol
2.What it says when you die in gta
1.I'm so wasted
3.He got wasted
4.Looks like i'm wasted here now
by Elliot c July 11, 2008
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"Man you sat here all day and played video games? You're a waste!
by Rob T January 14, 2004
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a faculty member of the central bergen county catholic daycare. Also, a synonym for daycare.
Our WASTE of a babysitter stapled a copy of the answer key to each of our tests.
by GabeTycho May 12, 2004
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Two versions of waste :

1. Someone who is jus a waste of space.

2. Someone who acts odd or wierd but in a funny way for them. They are different and see things differently. This version originated in Bishop Douglass School in Barnet.

1. Laura: I cant believe he still aint got a job
Paris: Hes waste man.

Random girl walks in

Random girl: i lashed three boys today
Laura & Paris: Errrrrr your a waste girl.

2. Paris walks up to Rival.

Paris: DEOXYRYBONUCLEIC ACID!!!!!! (this means DNA)
Rival: :O Why would you do that ? Your Actually WASTE!

P.S: The two girls writing this are also actually waste! (the second version)
by Paris And Laura =D January 1, 2008
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(v) to lay around the house, preferably on a couch or armchair, eating and watching tv/and or playing video games.
I'm gonna go to my house and waste for a few hours.
by Joe July 31, 2004
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1.To beat up in a fight

2.To win a contest against another person/team convincingly.
Chuck is going to waste Timmy after school today.
by BigJeff375 March 1, 2004
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