that act of beating some one or some thing
see the Owned
by Da Tuma October 10, 2008
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Parts of both male and female anatomy. Often come into good use.
"Kyles wondering hands found their way into my panties."
by Anna October 4, 2004
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You say HANDS when someone basically says something wrong, and when you do say HANDS then you get to slap that person in the hand. But if they say NO HANDS then you don't slap them. - Fun to play anywhere.
Teacher: We are going to learn about math today.
Student 1: Did she say we were gonna learn about math tomorow?
Student 2: NO! I'm pretty sure she said today, HANDS!
by BG SHYBOY September 29, 2006
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When I was a young teenager, my hand was my favorite sex partner!
by eda-skip October 31, 2021
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a word said when someone says something really stupid in which it basically means "give me your hand so i can slap it, because you said something so fucking retarded or dumb its not funny."
Person 1: Son I got you covered like an eclipse.
Person 2: HAND!
by jmac09 October 6, 2007
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Handing; The act of touching ones self with a prosthetic hand.
"did you hear someone was caught handing them self in the bathroom"
by CrimsonIce May 4, 2016
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The Hand is a nickname I call Casey, another cadet who is a Merlin at edging me for over an hour and holding me at that almost-but-not-quite-there-yet feeling and then making me have an awesome hand-gasm.
The Hand is coming to our room tonight to do me, and I've already got a boner!
by USAF Cadet November 15, 2020
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