A Rallos Zek worshiping barbarian born in Halas. One of the four members of the Quartet of Bones. Golrath loves to eat bones.
by God the Barbarian October 19, 2003
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When a man takes a bowel movment in a womans vagina and consumes it with a large fork.
Hey Dave, are you hungry?

No dude, I just had a big Barbarian Breakfest!
by LandonK May 6, 2008
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A rage-filled, hateful phrase.
"We were just talking normally, when he suddenly pulled out a Jupiter, the Barbarian on me!"
by killall April 28, 2004
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A group of human warriors appearing in Lone Wolf 3 and World of Lone Wolf 5. Perhaps the most objectionable of the portrayals modelled loosely on actual groups, since the Ice Barbarians are warlike, vicious and xenophobic, and are ruled by a tyrannical monarch, the Brumalmarc. They are therefore very different from real-world peoples such as the Inuit and Aleut who seem to provide a model for their dress and culture.

Ice Barbarians appear to be nomadic, living in the icy wilderness of Kalte and attacking interlopers. They fight in small bands, with each warrior accompanied by a small child carried on their back. Both warrior and child are armed with bows, and the warriors travel swiftly across the ice by using ski-like snowshoes.

Despite their warlike inclinations, the Ice Barbarians presumably trade with the Sommlending, since otherwise the city of Ljuk would have no function.
Lone Wolf 3 is one of the freest of the gamebook series in terms of the routes a player can follow in order to complete the book. Encounters with the Ice Barbarians occur on some routes and can develop in several ways.
by Andy April 26, 2004
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A barbarian that took one too many steroids, and goes around the world taking people's skins for his personal stash toe ones.
Barbarian woMAN: Would you have sex with me Conan?

Conan: Only under one condition.

Barbarian woMAN: What would that be?

Conan: We would first have to create a baby and use his/her skins for my top hat or shoes. Then I would have to skin you for my coat.

by Ookpick GooseFrubba August 19, 2005
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The Elite Barbarians card is unlocked from the Hog Mountain (Arena 10). It spawns 2 single-target, melee, stronger, faster Barbarians with helmets, moderately high hitpoints and very high damage potential. An Elite Barbarians card costs 6 Elixir to deploy.

this card was a mistake.
I don't know why they nerf the miner when this thing exists

reasons why it's op:
it's common, which might be a flaw or a advantage, depending on your perspective
it has high health
it deals high damage
most of the time, you can only effectively counter it with negative trades
even 2.6 struggles to make a positive trade, since their primary defense (mostly) is protect the musketeer with ice golem, but the high damage allows the gay barbs to kill the musketeer fast.

The fact that I can't even call ebarb cycle skilled just shows how unskilled this card is.
Also, did you know that Supercell itself made the notorious combo with rage? Yes. They did.

This makes EA look like a developer of a underrated game that isn't money hungry, this makes Meowbahh look like Jesus Christ, also this makes JellyBean look like Yahweh and makes GE3T3E look like the guy that created Yahweh....

I have too many insults for them that I'm not even finishing it.

Tl;dr: if you use this card, you have no skill, you have no father and you have no friends.
Bozo: i use elite barbarians, the nigh unbeatable win condition with rage.
People who are sane: your blocc button looks good rn
by mgkisgood6969 April 20, 2022
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Elite Barbarians can give you cancer, and anyway they are gay. As there are common cards m they are easy to be maxed and with rage and freeze the tower and you get auto 3 crown win, this is completely unskilled and now there is even a e-barbs cycle (elite barbarians for short) , and guess what , supercell made this meta anyway. And now the rage fking skills skarmy ( skeleton army for short ) and now its super duper gay it gives us emotional damage .

And anyway if you use elite barbarians you have no life , no friends , and ur fatherless.
Bro he uses elite barbarians and he three crrowned me with absolutely no skill!

Use P.E.K.K.A bridge spam bro it gives massive benefit against no skill players
by MaxedPEKKAuser January 17, 2023
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