When two individuals are interested in each other, make out etc on a regular basis, but are not dating. There may or may not be the prospect of dating in the future. Not to be confused with "friends with benefits".
Judy and Paul hang out every Saturday night, and talk throughout the week, but are apparently "just talking".
by Becca51 March 1, 2008
by paidd April 6, 2021
by FxckRyaan December 8, 2013
A way to secretly tell a person that you are having sex. If you don't want your parents to know who you are sleeping with, just tell them that you are just talking.
by Steve5214 April 4, 2016
When two people have sex on a regular basis, go out on dates, workout at the gym together, cook dinner for each other, hang out with each other's friends, introduce family members and co-workers to each other and are not intimate with anyone else, are a couple, but haven't had "the talk"
Friend at gym: hey John, is this your girlfriend?
Girl smiles and looks at John
John: no, we're just talking
Girl smiles and looks at John
John: no, we're just talking
by RealTalk247 October 3, 2014
you just talking
by you just talking November 12, 2017
A term coined by basic bitches that means they are either cheating on you, planning to cheat on you, or that you're their side dick.
John: "Hey so I saw you calling that guy bae? Who is he?"
Jane: "Oh he ain't shit, we just talk"
John: "Hey so I saw you calling that guy bae? Who is he?"
Jane: "Oh he ain't shit, we just talk"
by Truthspeaker1125 March 6, 2015