As of 1995, the Rams have played in St. Louis. They won their first Super Bowl in the '99/00 season under Dick Vermeil. He retired after the season and Mike Martz became the team's head coach, who became famous for his careless challenges, awful clock management, and poor use of timeouts. However, '01/02 Rams were talented enough to make it to the Super Bowl, but lost to the Patriots. As of 2005, Mike Martz is still the coach. The Rams have only had one sub-.500 season under Martz, which I suppose is justification enough for keeping him around.
I would enjoy a thrashing of the Rams at the hands of Seattle. Not the Seahawks, mind you, but the entire city of Seattle, grunge rock and all.
by Diggity Monkeez January 9, 2005
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Ram originates from North East yorkshire, in a small town called Bridlington.

The word is used to describe something that is Disgusting or Foul, or possibly ugly.

Either way 'ram' is used negativly.
Oh my god, Kelly that is Ram, I can't believe you farted.

He is Ram

Your Ram
by TWIIIIIICE March 6, 2005
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Screwing a person over financially, personally, legally, reputation wise, etc.
I asked one question to that lawyer, and the following week he mailed me a 1500 dollar bill for suppossingly a hours worth of talking. He really rammed that bill hard. The ramming is real.
by mwallace2202 October 18, 2015
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adj- the state of being extremely intoxicated, generally used among college Fraternities and Sororities. Derived after college students would be admitted into the infirmary after smacking into walls or poles, "ramming into them."
Dave: Yo bro, i got sooo fucked up last thursday.

Mike: Yeah i got rammed too, i couldnt even open my eyes the next morning.
by XXXXXiXXXXX April 23, 2013
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This word can be used when telling someone to go for it
should i ask snape out?
Yeah, ram it
by Avidfan and Dark-skye December 29, 2005
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1. An animal, much like that of a sheep, but with curled horns
2. Another word for "screw" or "mate" or "fuck"
3. Word used to imply force
1. "Holy Shit, dude, did you just hit a fuckin ram??!?!?!"
2. eeewww. Kasun rammed Jack
3. My foot wouldn't fit up Mr Hayes' tight arse so i had to ram it in with full force.
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RAM or Random-acces memory is a computer or console's physical memory, mostly calculated in GB or Gigabytes. It stores the memory or information storage in a computer that is used to store running programs and data for the programs. If you have less RAM, your pc or console has less performance. RAM-cards can also be combined for an even better performance, for example 2 4GB cards or even 2 8GB cards.
"You only have 2GB RAM!? You can't even run Windows 7 with that amount of RAM!"
"I just bought a new 16GB RAM card, my pc is so much faster now!
by GamesAndStuff September 4, 2016
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