306 definitions by Diggity Monkeez

The date on which one was born.
The birthdates of Dominican baseball players can be difficult to find out.
by Diggity Monkeez May 19, 2005
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Central American country that attracts a large number of tourists.
I've never been to Jamaica, but I'm still a good person.
by Diggity Monkeez January 15, 2005
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An easy task that usually ends up being more fun than difficult.
Mom: Mop the floor, please, son.

Son: Mop the floor, eh? Piece of cake!

Mom: What?

Son: I said that mopping the floor will be a piece of cake.

Mom: Oh, OK. I didn't hear you the first time.

Son: Understood.
by Diggity Monkeez February 22, 2005
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1) Deceased. No longer in the world of the living.

2) No longer entertaining. Over.

3) Definitely, extremely.
1) Yassir Arafat is dead; he died in 2004.

2) I'm leaving. This party is dead.

3) I'm not joking; I'm dead serious. (Also in this category is, "Enemy sub dead ahead!")
by Diggity Monkeez January 18, 2005
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The opposite of succeed. To unsuccessfully attempt an undertaking.
I failed to become manager of McDonalds, so I settled on cleaining the mini-playground.
by Diggity Monkeez February 22, 2005
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Far bigger than appropriate; usually after a sudden gain of size.
Martino's cake factory put so many ingredients into their products that the end result was thousands of bloated cakes which couldn't even make the shelves of Kroger.
by Diggity Monkeez April 8, 2005
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