A kind of terrible torture invented by P.E. teachers to humiliate teenagers. Involves pointless running in circles. Why?
by sudf September 24, 2009
by vexl0l May 30, 2021
A commercial center located on Monument Blvd in Concord, California used by Sureño gang members for selling drugs and weapons.
Ex. 1
Sureño subsets in Concord utilize the business complex at 1500 Monument Blvd. in Concord, CA (herein, “1500 Monument”) to “post up” (i.e. hang out at a location) and sell narcotics and firearms. Sureño gang members often refer to 1500 Monument as “The Box” or “The block.”
Criminal Complaint, USA v. Cruz et. al., September 8, 2020
Ex. 2
Lil Neto: Hey fool! All my connects are locked up in the MDF or got sent to Brazil! I need 5 zips, 2 decks and a K-ter RFN!
Bam Bam: Don't stress homey! Just go down to 1500 Monument on the Bully and you'll get served!
Lil Neto: Isn't that the strip mall with the Chinese restaurant that serves that bomb ass Wuhan bat soup?
Bam Bam: That's it! Get me a couple soups while you're down there at The Box!
Sureño subsets in Concord utilize the business complex at 1500 Monument Blvd. in Concord, CA (herein, “1500 Monument”) to “post up” (i.e. hang out at a location) and sell narcotics and firearms. Sureño gang members often refer to 1500 Monument as “The Box” or “The block.”
Criminal Complaint, USA v. Cruz et. al., September 8, 2020
Ex. 2
Lil Neto: Hey fool! All my connects are locked up in the MDF or got sent to Brazil! I need 5 zips, 2 decks and a K-ter RFN!
Bam Bam: Don't stress homey! Just go down to 1500 Monument on the Bully and you'll get served!
Lil Neto: Isn't that the strip mall with the Chinese restaurant that serves that bomb ass Wuhan bat soup?
Bam Bam: That's it! Get me a couple soups while you're down there at The Box!
by FAIMnatic October 6, 2020
A chad of a 1/2 ton truck produced by Chrysler that dominates the inferior Silverado 1500’s and F-150’s
by Real_Jtizzle October 16, 2020
Chevy 1500 are better than dodge and ford, but the owners offten can no traction with there two wheel drive chevy 1500.
Person 1:I was trying to race my chevy 1500 against a school bus, but i couldnt get no traction.
Person 2: Badass(sarcastic voice)
Person 2: Badass(sarcastic voice)
by JohnDeereJohn March 11, 2011
A commercial center located on Monument Blvd in Concord, California used by Sureño gang members for selling drugs and weapons.
Ex. 1
Sureño subsets in Concord utilize the business complex at 1500 Monument Blvd. in Concord, CA (herein, “1500 Monument”) to “post up” (i.e. hang out at a location) and sell narcotics and firearms. Sureño gang members often refer to 1500 Monument as “The Box” or “The block.”
Criminal Complaint, USA v. Cruz et. al., September 8, 2020
Ex. 2
Lil Neto: Hey fool! All my connects are locked up in the MDF or got sent to Brazil! I need 5 zips, 2 decks and a K-ter!
Bam Bam: Don't stress homey! Just go down to 1500 Monument on the Bully and you'll get served!
Lil Neto: Isn't that the place with the Chinese restaurant that serves that bomb ass Wuhan bat soup?
Bam Bam: That's it! Get me a couple soups while you're down there at The Box!
Sureño subsets in Concord utilize the business complex at 1500 Monument Blvd. in Concord, CA (herein, “1500 Monument”) to “post up” (i.e. hang out at a location) and sell narcotics and firearms. Sureño gang members often refer to 1500 Monument as “The Box” or “The block.”
Criminal Complaint, USA v. Cruz et. al., September 8, 2020
Ex. 2
Lil Neto: Hey fool! All my connects are locked up in the MDF or got sent to Brazil! I need 5 zips, 2 decks and a K-ter!
Bam Bam: Don't stress homey! Just go down to 1500 Monument on the Bully and you'll get served!
Lil Neto: Isn't that the place with the Chinese restaurant that serves that bomb ass Wuhan bat soup?
Bam Bam: That's it! Get me a couple soups while you're down there at The Box!
by ZXY&ABC September 23, 2020