An average player who thinks he's l337
by Monkey June 14, 2003
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(verb) To unknowingly add grain alcohol to someones beverage; in spite, revenge or as a gag.
"Meredith ordered a drink at the bar, but after failing to tip the bartender, he dieseled her drink when she wasn't looking"

"Zach was getting on the bartenders nerves and on the verge of getting kicked out, so Austin dieseled him to finish him off and called in the bouncer"

Eric: "Why is Ryan puking inside that washing machine?"
Gordon: "Because we dieseled all of his shots the entire night."
Eric: "WOW, He is super blacked out."
by Mr. Pink Cadillac October 23, 2011
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Angie Miller is so diesel that she has 18 wheels and doesn't even know it..look out world!
by mcbain02 June 11, 2013
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Not a made-up word for diesel; pretty strong and buff; a given nick name to someone
You see that dude at the gym before? He's got some dieselness to him.
by MCNY October 22, 2008
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Diesel is the name used to describe the special scent that attracts the opposite sex. Most generally used with a large scale of the opposing sex.
Wow, Bryan is definitely wearing Diesel today. Every girl is all over him.
by B.Wake and P. Money February 23, 2010
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extremely muscular, huge, big, a bodybuilder
damn, you seen Jamal lately? muthafucka's diesel, man!
by Iluvevans August 18, 2003
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Around the northern NJ area diesel is a code word for heroin
A brief use of the word in a conversation:

Dealer: Yo what you need man?
Buyer: i'm looking for diesel bro
Dealer: i got you
by PJ April 8, 2004
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