The act of a woman sucking a penis with dip of tobacco in her mouth.
I gave Derrick an Arkansas Mouthful.
by razorback1221 February 2, 2010
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A heavy dagger with a blade typically between one and two feet long. Balanced for throwing, it can also be used in hand-to-hand combat.
The may also refer to a Bowie knife, although many blade authorities deem this inaccurate. The two, however, are credited to the same knife smith.
In three deft moves, he drew his knife, slashed his way free, and hurled it into the back of the fleeing thief.

"The Hell was that, man?"
"Oh, just an Arkansas toothpick."
by gogmorgo November 8, 2011
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1. A hip and fashionalbe hairstlye sported by folks indegionous to the American south or anyone who watches NASCAR for that matter.

2. See mullet, Norco Neckwarmer.
Man I need to get my AW permed!
by Samhain_Knight May 4, 2005
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When the pudgy, slightly overweight, yet mildly cute waitress is helping the table next to you, bends over, her shirt rides up, and behold, 6 inches of ass-crack is staring you in the face.
Dude, did you just see that Arkansas Crackasaurus rear it's ugly head at the next table over?
by Jimmy Crack-a-lactic-a February 17, 2010
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Alex Trebek: Arkansas Toothpick?
Ken Jennings: What is Raccoon Penis!
Alex Trebek: that is correct!
by S. Daddy September 7, 2008
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When two guys are screwing a girl at the same time one in the mouth and one in pussy and they rotate her.
Steve and Brett enjoyed the arkansas rotisserie of Sally who spun like a top.
by Black Brett August 6, 2010
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