The act of cock blocking a random hook-up... especially when one is desperate and looking to get some.
"No flarping allowed tonight! I'm desperate and haven't gotten any in months!"
by flarpflarpyflarpington November 7, 2009
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Means rich is ugly and smells like Poo
by Bob April 8, 2004
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Noun: The floppy part of skin underneath your chin. Usually more floppy in elder people.

Verb: to squeeze the fat of the underside of someone's chin.
To make fun of her little brother in front of his friends, she flarped him.
by maggienordenstat September 17, 2014
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the act of participating in interspecies sex
Scottsmen flarp their sheep out in the tall grass where no one can see.
by Anonymous October 26, 2003
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Wet, growling flatulence that exits with the sound reminiscent of an angry, snorting bull. Typically ripe and rancid. Perfect for a dutch oven.
Braaaaahhh that is the last time I'm eating deviled eggs and drinking warm beer. I have got the worst bull flarps today.
by Eaton Holgoode March 20, 2017
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a disgusting girl that has a wide open vagina and masturbates with house hold items such as a remote or a football.
dude that shayla girl is a total Flarp Monkey
by bigpenisjew April 21, 2011
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A flarp switch is that one light switch in your house that does nothing at all.
" Yo guy, this light switch, I'm flippin' it. Yet nothing is happening. EXPLAIN!!"

"Oh, thats just a flarp switch. Now cease your face noise."
by Cheech Kenpachi August 13, 2011
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