The opposite of a wigger. A black person that acts as if he/she is actually white.
"Hey you see that black kid over there, the one wearing that wool sweater?"

"Yeah, he's such a BONKY."
by T.J. Corso September 23, 2007
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A person of african heritage who acts like a white person. See Will Smith.
Wayne Brady may look black, but this Bonky ain't fooling anyone.
by beau June 29, 2004
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A black person that acts like a white (black plus honky)
My friend Jeff is a nice guy, he's a bonky.
by Alex April 8, 2003
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A black person who acts white.
"I can't wait to play some tennis with you this weekend Billy," said the bonky.
by James B:o June 30, 2003
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Is a girl with some Sass. Her name is Julie and she lives in a tree. i think she stole my grandmothers underwear saying it'll be more supportive for her own body.

Hi Julie
by danny April 12, 2005
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The result of absolute frustration toward someone represented in a verbal outburst. Often Enhanced by suggesting the target is also an Emo Milk of various colors (Green considered to be the most insulting)
"You are such a Bonky Ginky!"
"You Bonky Ginky green Emo Milk!"
by BonkyGinkynator February 19, 2010
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To have sex.
It's a word/s you can use instead of sex, especially if you have young children around.
Boyfriend: Lets go have Bonky Bony
Girlfriend: i like bonky bonk :)
by Monkfish123456789 June 2, 2011
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