A racial slur refeering to a caucasian or white person. The term actually orginated in the south during the times of slavery. The white slave master would "honk" a horn when it was time for the slaves to work in the fields. The slaves would then call the slave master a "honkey"
For other caucasian racial slurs see "cracka"
For other caucasian racial slurs see "cracka"
White Man: Can you tell me how to get to south street from here?
Black Man: I ain't telling you nothing honkey!
Black Man: I ain't telling you nothing honkey!
by apples733 March 12, 2005
"Honky" is a racial epithet. It was made popular in the 1970s by a man named George Jefferson. You see, he and his wife owned a dry-cleaning business, so they moved on up to the east side, to a deluxe apartment in the sky. They finally got a piece of the pie.
by Bruce LeRoy May 18, 2005
by Nigga wot June 23, 2003
Originally "hunkie," a variation on "bohunk," a derogatory term for Eastern-European factory hands and mostly used in midwestern cities. Became corrupted to "honky"(factory hand) in the late 20s-early 30s(see Mezz Mezzrow's REALLY THE BLUES). By the late fifties came to mean blue collar whites and by the sixties white people in general.
by Lord Invader October 18, 2003
by Andrew September 2, 2004
1.Is used to describe a person who is whiter than snow,a storm-trooper,milk,limp bizkit, kid rock and white bread with a filling of tuna,mayo and my load.
1. "fuck man, that honky is as white as my chihuahua's balls".
2. "put it this way stephen, your honky attributes are no match for my chocolate goodness".
2. "put it this way stephen, your honky attributes are no match for my chocolate goodness".
by It is called the poop deck August 8, 2008
word used to describe a white person, they can be found in your local park asking children for sex. if not there, then they are probably stealing your votes and invading a inocent country
by monkynuts August 2, 2006