Although typically known to be a sponge or leech. A mooch can also be a massive idiot/ irritating individual/ general ass sucking the life out of a conversation or draining the fun out of a party.

All mooches are pussies, little girls can beat them up.

A typical sign of a mooch, is disfigured toes. Hideousness of the feet is not a direct cause of moochness, but individuals with messed up toes have a higher chance of being mooches.
Devan is a mooch. He is the King of Mooches.

Padi: look at those toes!
Moose: ya, definately a mooch.
Devan: I AM A MOOCH.
by Mr. Sadistik January 19, 2012
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In the UK mooching means going for a walk (usually looking for somewhere to eat) often while drunk and/or stoned.

In the US mooching is one person taking advantage of another.
(Two guys drunk in a tent in England)

John: "Where's Dave gone?"

Jack: "He went mooching off in that direction a couple of minutes ago"

(Two guys talking about friend's girlfriend in America)

John: "Dave's just bought his girlfriend a new car"

Jack: "She's just mooching off him coz he's rich"
by sthtf September 11, 2006
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A period of 10 days (like a fortnight is 2 weeks, a mooch is 2 business weeks)
That guy was so bad at his job, he only lasted a mooch.
by zoosnack August 16, 2017
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Engaging in a short-term romantic encounter lasting under 10 days. Originates from the 10-day tenure of Anthony "The Mooch" Scaramucci as White House communications director.
"So, are you guys getting pretty serious?"
"Nah, we're just mooching."
by whyaminotapanda August 17, 2017
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mooch the verb to mooch is to mill about, to mingle and/or to brouse
i am just going to the shop the have a mooch

by sammy_sue December 25, 2005
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To mooche around, to drift around in a very laid-back passive manner,
to mooche around the house; mall; search engines looking for definitions of obscure words
by buon_ombra June 21, 2009
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1# Someone who leeches off other people.

2# Round here some people say 'mooch' instead of 'walk'.
Dave: Give me some food you tosser, i'm hungry!
Mike: Fuck off you fat greedy piece of shit.

Susan: Fancy a mooch?
Dave: Wha? Mooch? Doesn't that mean kiss?
Tom: That's smooch you dumb fuck.
by Kyle Frith November 20, 2006
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