2 weeks. It is 14 days, which is 2 weeks, which is 1 fortnight. Its not the game, FortNite, which is spelled differently, its just 2 weeks.
Mike: I just played FortNite for a fortnight!
Liam: Wait, what?
Mike: I played FortNite for 2 weeks, which is a fortnight, its kind of confusing now that FortNites popular.
Liam: So you played FortNite 14 days straight?
Mike: Yep, for a fortnight.
by TheStrangerWhoKnows November 18, 2018
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A period of no more than 2 weeks. Often used as slang in taverns.
Skye: You're fine. The past fortnight has been very taxing.

Elena: Oh yeah, I've been working on this one project for days!
by Elena Bellesara January 24, 2019
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Greg: Hey, I heard it took Brian a fortnight to get 50 dollars for his chores!
by The guy he is looking for November 24, 2018
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A game that is typically played by boys who has no life. This game is for boys that cannot get a girl and if they do have a girl they pay more attention to the game rather than their girlfriend. Also boys who play this game alway posts their win on Snapchat even though most people don’t give a shit.
Boy :Hey im about to play fortnight ttyl
Girl : whatever your always playing that stupid game bye .
by Bash.43 March 10, 2018
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For the retards that can't spell "Fortnite" right
Person 1: Wanna play Fortnight
Person 2: -facepalm-
by Chicken Nubs March 16, 2018
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A nickname given to someone who’s too weak, it’s a play on words from the English word fortnight which is used to refer to a two week period of time
Hey fortnight, you should consider visiting the gymnasium my friend
by Dimmy Journey January 6, 2018
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