In some MMO's the collection of equipment that provides the best stats do not aesthetically match (so called Best in Slot, so while your character may be performing the best that they can with the equipment, they resemble a clown in the mismatched colors and styles of the armor that they're wearing.
With that last piece of shoulder armor that I got, I'm now wearing a clown suit.
by Lord Butterknife April 5, 2011
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A class clown is someone that has a huge amount of confidence (but some might just be conceited).They are the ones that make students laugh to get attention. It is class clowns that are well known and sometimes even part of the popular kids. They tend to have a bit of a vendetta against teachers or those of higher authority.
As soon as a teacher leaves the class clowns are the ones who will go berserk
by Acidee August 18, 2011
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To engage in shenanigans, allowing all inhibitions to be released into one glorious act of tomfoolery.
- Did you see the hott piece last night?
- Yeah, she was totally Down to Clown!
by Robb the Knob 937 February 1, 2010
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Person a; Whatcha going to cook for dinner?
Person b; Nuddin, going to the Clowns Kitchen
Person A; Ah McDonalds Got enough for two?
by Anecdotal November 22, 2012
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1. Surfing the net, according to somegreybloke. Sounds more like masturbation to me. I suppose.. those activities overlap somewhat. And even when they don't, they are quite similar.

2. Sucking semen with a straw from the rectum of an entertainer/psychopath/satanic painted beast.
1. After a long day at work I had a bit of a rest and started felching the clown.

I spent six hours felching the clown last night man.

2. I fantasize about felching clowns.
by Selevan May 3, 2013
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When a female or feminine male uses WAY too much make-up, has no clue how to use said make-up, no sense of proportion, and just slathers it on like they loaded a paintball gun with a variety of colors and hoped for the best.
Damn Girl!! You look like you got smacked with the ass end of a rainbow, that's not make-up, that's clown butter.
by Futureghst-MJC February 26, 2015
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A person with a tendency to buy expensive items when they should be saving money
I bought this watch before I paid my bills like some sort of street clown.
by D.Rage October 19, 2019
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