When someone is unable or unwilling to speak about one very specific topic.
Filip had selective dumbness and was unable or unwilling to say I am sorry for the kidnapping.
by nintendojo August 14, 2018
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A.k.a. "garnished generosity". Refers to da "snooty-friends/cousins/siblings procedure" of retaining/withdrawing/consuming all of da "goodies" from a particular lot of items, and then pretending to be lovingly/caringly thoughtful of you by giving you da remaining items, which are inferior or less-desirable in some way.
A classic example of selective sharing would be during snack-time, whereby da gluttonous and sweet-toothed connivers --- instead of carefully/conscientiously dividing up da tasty and not-so-tasty comestibles evenly among everyone present --- first select all of da best and most-palatable selections from da goodies-platter for themselves to guzzle up, and then leave you wif just da blander and/or less-chewable/digestible selections, such as da veggies, chocolates wif coconut centers, overly-firm/spicy chips, etc.
by QuacksO April 22, 2021
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Refers to a broad range of pseudo-maladies (where the person is merely faking/exaggerating a certain physical/emotional/mental infirmity/disability, like the infamous "selective deafness") that many lazy/selfish/uncaring people complain of, merely to get out of performing some undesirable task. These supposed maladies include:
(1) selective stamina/fatigue disorder, whereby the "sufferer" instantly becomes a nearly-lifeless "limp rag" whenever anything resembling w-o-r-k is requested/suggested; he always seems to be perfectly able to jump robustly back up again, though, when some fun/pleasant activity is subsequently offered or suggested
(2) selective phobia disorder, whereby the "sufferer" claims to have an intense fear/loathing of a certain aspect of the task at hand, again, usually to simply be relieved of having to participate in said task; he often seems to be able to placidly/confidently manage other similar-context activities just fine, however
(3) selective allergy/medical-condition disorder, similar to #2, whereby someone claims to have a serious illness/infirmity that would prevent him from safely performing a less-than-pleasant task, yet he's perfectly okay with less arduous/boring tasks which involve the same types of substances/conditions
(4) selective strength/health disorder, whereby someone claims to not be physically muscular/fit enough to perform a certain task, but yet he lifts weights, moves heavy loads in a hand-truck/wheelbarrow, etc. at other times
My uncle claims to be helpless.clueless whenever I ask him to step in and help resolve a dispute between a fellow youngster and myself, yet he is a headmaster at a private school and is known for his firm leadership there... sounds like selective capability disorder to me!
by QuacksO December 22, 2016
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When someone dislikes another individual in the workplace or elsewhere and decides to issue a "bless you" to everyone but that person when he or she sneezes, indicating a lack of worthiness and respectability.
"I don't think Jenna likes me anymore."
"Why not?"
"She gave the selective bless-you to everyone who sneezed in the office today but me, even though I sneezed three different times."
"Oh, that sucks."
by Sir Jobeykobra March 26, 2014
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Basically a believer in Donald Trump theory on COVID-19
Person 1: I believe Natural Selection Trump Version!

Person 2: Same here dude!
by Afterlife2021 August 3, 2021
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Having the mental capacity to understand something that's painfully obvious to anybody else and/or has overwhelming and undeniable evidence, but deliberately ignoring it for any number of reasons. Compare willful ignorance.
Jean was presented with mountains of evidence that her husband was cheating on her, and more-or-less covered her ears and went "LALALALALA." I swear, she's engaging in selective obliviousness.
by Intelligence001 April 2, 2022
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When the elevator wasn't working, Robby replaced the selectator and got it up and running.
by Mamagaga June 9, 2018
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