Xavier is so cool and amazing. Possibly maybe the funniest person on earth. Also incredibly attractive and pulls bitches on a daily basis. Its said that his pull count is longer than pi.
Wow that guy is so funny and cool

Fr ( for real) he has to be an Xavier fs (for sure)
by i<3xaviersomuch March 1, 2022
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Xavier is super hot and always has hoes on his massive horse cock, he normally has a six or eight pack and fucks milfs especially Jonathans mom. He has so many friends and loves his niggas and dirt biking
by Bruhhomiedawgy June 2, 2020
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An Xavier is a super cute, short, funny guy. He likes to play sports and his laugh will take your breath away. Sometimes oblivious to when a girl likes him and gets embarrassed quickly. He has a good taste in sweaters and shoes.
He won’t dance if you tell him too. Don’t bypass an Xavier, keep him and keep in touch.
See Xavier? He’s so funny and cute!
by lonely_burrito March 3, 2019
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Xavier is toxic,he love his soulmate/girlfriend the most,he would do anything to see his mother smile ,Xavier can take any joke but not from his girlfriend
Girl 1:his dick big

Girl 2:ofc that's Xavier he's also really freaky
by Omb CEO May 23, 2021
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A person (typically male) that appears as a mysterious person. On the out side he is fairly attractive and clean yet he never seems to talk much. They are highly romantic and sensitive to their partner's feelings. Although, usually shy, if they are in a small group, they open right up to show their naturally comedic nature. They are excellent lovers and never cheat (even if their partner cheats). They usually become attatched to people that show them kindness, but thats what they do. They have an extremly active imagination and can be good in bed. They are athletic in many things but also get bored easily. They are extremely intelligent but tend not to show it because they are always worried what people think about them. But many people dont think about them because they tend to disappear easily, but also reappear out of nowhere. Xaviers may seem weird at first, but once you get to know one for real, you'll love it.
<sabrina> hey, who is that guy?
<Amy> Oh my god Sabrina, thats Xavier. He sits next to you in chemistry.
<sabrina> hmm... never noticed... how is he
<amy> he seems shy at first, but once you get to know him, he's a blast.
by Wow. Such black. December 6, 2013
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"But if I hear a safeword and you guys are still going, I will be barging in-"
"No one ignores a safeword on my watch-"
Xavier is the sex referee
by Salamander_Cos July 9, 2021
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