ibm is an acronym for "international business machines." it is a widely known computer company.

ibm started quite a while ago - we could probably safely assume around the time of ENIAC, or earlier. they created a standard in computers (i.e., an ibm-compatible machine) and are still around.

despite ibm's age, they never broke up like ma bell.
bill:i got an ibm machine
by unusu-al May 23, 2004
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I'm 5'0 and Hispanic! I'm an IBM!
by foodboy96 February 4, 2021
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Q: Dude, what are you gonna do when you graduate from college?
A: I'm gonna be an IBM. Gotta make that cash!
by briantroy December 9, 2009
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This term stands for an "ideal black man." This term is mainly used by African-Americans and it was mentioned a lot in the movie Something New.
girl 1: I want a nice tall brotha whose been to college, has a respectable job, doesn't have any kids, and is fione

girl 2: girlfriend that is hard to find these days

girl 1: well thats my IBM, ideal black man.
by Shadé Q. August 27, 2007
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A company that rocks, on the cutting edge of research and development.
* Idiots Bitch Mercilessly (about IBM's dominance)
* It's Bill (gates), Motherfucker!
* Inventiveness, Brains, and Moxie
* I Blast Mutha Fuckas
IBM rocks.
by Don September 13, 2002
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When IBM Exectutives take over your company and screw you.
Man they lowered my salary and fired my friend because she is a women, we got IBMed!
by Junebug67 January 29, 2015
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