A Holy shrine that will take whatever you throw at it. A golden seat of relief.
Guy 1: Dude where were you last night? I thought we were going to hang out?

Guy 2: Sorry man, I was on the toilet , giving it my dinner from last night, I think I partied too hard.

Guy 1: I hear ya, I think my shrine is calling.
by Jo-Bro December 8, 2010
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n. 1. The system of depositing one's feces invented by Mr. Crapper himself when one day his wife got sick of him taking dumps in the kitchen sink.

synonyms-latrine, crapper, lavatory, john, the can, the pot, stool, throne, potty, commode
by Seymour Butz March 28, 2003
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A seat-like object where you dis-charge feces from the anus.
by Master of Poo March 21, 2005
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an incredibly difficult target to make when your drunk
i was so hammered last night, i completly missed the toilet
by Magashi April 23, 2009
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A seat-shaped object leading to a pipe which, in turn, leads to the sewers. Used to dispose of bodily waste - though urine is often disposed of on the floor around the base of the toilet. A toilet is a source of much hilarity with schoolboys or those with similar ideas about humour (like me, for example). Also used in insults (eg: "you smell like a public toilet"). A toilet is a place the Queen never has to visit (through some miracle of biology, presumably). People who are sick in the toilet are said to be "talking down the big white telephone". Although some toilets I've seen are so filthy their original colour is long lost in the mists of time.
In my old school someone took something out of a toilet and smeared it across a classroom wall. The teacher was adamant that the culprit would be made to clean it off. The guilty party was never revealed, so the shat stayed on the wall and festered for years after. This was a classroom used as a lunch-hall. What a charming school.
by Stormsworder May 16, 2007
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