
When a person ( man/woman ) gets sexually penetrated by several people
Sheem and Kwon partied this girl yesterday
by Lei Roi April 26, 2015
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party party

a party that includes alcoholic beverages.
guy 1: "are you going to Cam's party this weekend?"

guy 2: "well that depends. is it a party party, or just a party?"
by lam26 February 5, 2010
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party party

Where you get drunk and be somebody.
Is it a party, or a party party?

Matt went to the party party dressed in an outlet costume.
by Sliesl July 22, 2009
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There was a party last night, but I wasn't invited.
by NGFL November 16, 2005
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in parties

to be totally wasted by alcohol or drugs
"Sorry about yesterday, I was in parties.. I couldn't even walk home"
by tsitsi August 13, 2008
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Party of NO!

The Party of NO! is a name the Republican Party earned as a result of voting NO on any proposal brought up in Washington by the Majority Democrats since January 2009.
The G.O.P. is so twisted by hate for President Barack Obama that they refuse to cooperate in anyway with Democrats. They continue to vote against Democrats' ideas while not presenting any good alternative ideas of their own.
The Party of NO! is made up of Obama Haters, obstructionist bastards, sore losers and other assorted fuckwits.
by Charles_U_Farley April 3, 2010
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