Everybody getting drunk bringing cases of booze like a cook out instead of bringing a dish you bring a case
Joe: I'm having a drink out this Saturday
Jason: Cool I'll be there I'll bring a case
Joe: Cool it's at 4:00

Jason: I'll be there
by savoth October 3, 2009
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cat drinking the milk out the bowl is a metaphor for the slurping of the "milk" out of the vagina. usually done by a male, but not in all cases........
lets just say, last night i was cat drinking the milk out the bowl!!!
by dacatz February 27, 2011
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When you are switching drinks, like from a margarita to Prosecco, and you pour a little Prosecco in your glass first, and drink it out, to clear it for a full, pure pour.
Don't give me a full pour yo, just a splash...lemme drink it out.
by Rebecca at the airport September 28, 2022
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When you switch drinks, like from a margarita to Prosecco, you pour a little Prosecco into your glass, and “drink it out,” to prep your glass for a pure Prosecco experience.
Swish tha’ shit yo’ and drink it out, so I can fill you up.
by Rebecca at the airport September 24, 2022
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