A cigarette dipped in PCP, a potent hood vitamin.
Talkin' shit cause I'm down for my set
I'm a vet, smokin' on a wet cigarette
-Ice Cube, Ghetto Vet
by Broletariat July 20, 2012
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Marijuana cigarette commonly used by residents of Biscay, MN and surrounding cities. (n.)
Hey man, you got any Biscay Cigarettes?

-No, I just smoked the last one with Billy.
by BCHISEL February 8, 2010
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The Official Smoker's Daily Breakfast of Champions!!
Coffee and Cigarettes, sure make a STIMULATING BREAKFAST, that for sure Really gets me up in the morning!!!
Right After waking up in morning,
Paul has Coffee and Cigarettes For Breakfast
and nothing else.......
Tony the Smoking Tiger- Doesn't that sound Grrrrreat?!!, ak,ak cough cough!!!!
by Urban Dictionary May 18, 2008
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A cigarette that is stored away for emergency use only.
"Frank what is that cigarette doing up there on that shelf? "
"Why, thats my emergency cigarette , mother fucker!"
by landroverlover September 4, 2008
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Term for a joint.......
"Pass me that jazz cigarette buddy"
by Lewis1983 June 8, 2005
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Never had a cigarette, most people lose it ages 14 to 16.
Bob: Hey Joe, do you smoke?
Joe: Nah, I'm still a cigarette virgin.
Bob: I lost my cigarette virginity last night.
by Thegreatgeno May 3, 2009
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A dog that looks like it smells of cigarette smoke or an unpleasant smell due to the owner whose house might reek of cigarette smoke or an unpleasant smell. The dog is usually small, skittish, has excessive or lack of fur, gross looking, malnourished and usually has an orange/brown tint of tear stains on their fur near their eyes making it seem like they haven’t been bathed in years.
Sally’s Shih Tzu is such a cigarette dog. It looks like it hasn’t seen water and soap in months and its lazy eye is starting to freak me out.
by Redcloud136 February 11, 2021
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