A meeting with another guy in which you touch meatsticks; synonomous for gay sexual intercorse.
Gay Boy#1: dude wanna go in the bathroom for a quick meating?

by jewrock January 28, 2011
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To have really gross sex. Either, with someone gross, or just doing gross things.

They meated, They were meating.
Oh my god, Ashley has been meating since middle school. What a whore.
by Chloe1111111111 March 18, 2010
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the pits, the worst, unfortunate, a shame, regrettable
your bike got stolen? that's the meats, man.
by Steven James Aguilar July 26, 2005
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slang for large tiers.
by mike December 4, 2003
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Yo Matchu was to the meat lastnight.
by Mr. ToweLE June 7, 2006
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The past tense form of the word meat. Means to pork a bean or ass-pound a fudge packer.
Mathias - "Yo. I meated that girl Olga last night on the beach. Then I meated her friend Calvin"

Jamal - "Shit's real, niqqa."
by TittySlamSwag June 26, 2011
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To be exhausted, worn out and/or ugly
Bro, tell me why your shoes are tooooo meated
by TooMeated February 1, 2011
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