Zoomer generation slang to describe a certain type of internet aesthetic derived from videos that make no sense where a whole lot of volume is added to the point where the video and audio gets distorted - which makes it cool and "funny". An extra layer above the Millennial's "Glitched" aesthetic. Etymology: Unknown; Possibly shortened form of "bad assed"
Zoomer Kid sends a weird looking emoji on Discord app coded as :NYEHAH:

Gen-X Adult: "lol. That's an UGLY, UGLY Crying Laughing emoji - what's that all about?"

Zoomer Kid: "wut? Itz bassed. u dnt get it cuz u 2 old"

Gen-X Adult:

"Sad. You're obviously one of those brainwashed internet-raised, classically-illiterate kids raised by a single mom who had no time to give you love, attention & affection - or afford a babysitter - so she had no choice but to throw a $60 tablet at you at age 2 to keep you from bugging her and keep you quiet in the corner."

Zoomer Kid: "Nyehah"

Zoomer Kid goes back to playing computer game and watching YouTube simultaneously.
by Verbivore_Whore December 12, 2020
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The part of your body between your BALLS and your ASS. Derived by combining Balls + Ass = Bass. A.K.A. "Gooch", "Chode".
1. Before that chick gave me head, she went down and licked my BASS royally!
2. Went camping all weekend, and haven't showered yet...Boy, my BASS is extra ripe, containing a funk of a thousand smells!
by Butt Boy 75 October 19, 2008
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He is the very gay, he fucks horses everyday. He does not have a life. Basse is a bad person with a tiny penis.
Who is that?
That is Basse.
Ah the gay person.
by Lover321123 February 3, 2020
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A term used to describe something that isn’t good, generally the opposite of “bussin”.
by GareWolf June 8, 2022
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the lowest sound in an orchestra.

Also known as a floor fiddle
Person 1: hey look its the bass
person 2: no thats a floor fiddle
by Band is better January 22, 2020
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The sexiest instrument ever

You can pick it, strum it, pinch it and slap it.

Along with the bass, the
Players are also sexy
I have been playing bass for a while now and am learning how to pinch and slap it, two difficult techniques that are well worth the time
by Somethinguy December 3, 2018
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