39 definitions by zoey

people whose sole purpose on the internet is to make fun of teenagers, in particular gothic chat rooms. see kindergoth
shan was a kindercop WAY too long.
by zoey April 11, 2004
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nitrous oxide, a short acting disassociative anesthetic found in propellants for food products, such as whipits.

Commonly used in dental surgery, not unlike pharmocologically to pcp dxm or ketamine ect, though chemically and experintially unrelated.
hey, i've got some nitrous, do you have any ballons?
by zoey April 11, 2004
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Rarely used to discribe Coricedin, an OTC form of dextromethorphan.

Said in parody of special k a relative to DXM, irony known really only to dexheads who know it's pharmocology well enough.
I'm going to Bi-Rite to buy some Special C.
by zoey April 11, 2004
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A alt. slang for cool right on ect, as said by the neo hippies, stoners, ect.
Shawn: I just bought a new hat, it's way cool.
Laura: Taaaaze
by zoey April 11, 2004
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depression/bipolar support aliance. a place where depressives and bipolars go to complain about life.

NOTE: I am bipolar, DBSA is just a very negative "support" group, everwhere I have been.
if you want to feel good about your life, start thinking good about your life. If you want to feel horrible about your life, think horribly about your life. No amount of medication will save you from yourself.
by zoey April 25, 2004
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1) Said by someone who is indifferent to a given situation

2) Said by someone who is trying to convince themselves that they are over a particular given situation.
Alex keeps saying she's over it, but, I don't really see how she could be when she keeps saying she is.
by zoey April 25, 2004
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i think people on this definition are mistaking gothic with alternative, a movement which took place in the 1990's.

gothic really isn't about individuality, that is more of a side effect.

PS: Justin Timberlake? Come on, you folks spend WAY too much time thinking about boy bands.
Rejection of conventional rules which originated from victorian social dogma, not the acceptance of diversity.
by zoey May 17, 2004
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