15 definitions by the moody booze

to attempt to repair relationship damage and calm an angry girlfriend or spouse with flowers. Idiotic and cliche yet mysteriously effective.
After Trissa found another pair of panties under Mike's bed, he sent her a dozen roses to plantacate her.
by the moody booze July 11, 2008
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n. 1) A person, often female, who is so shallow and spiritually empty, so obsessed with appearance and minutia of life, so absent from the larger issues of human existence, that she actually represents an existential danger to those she comes into contact with - specifically those she engages in romantic relationships. At first, the vapula may feed off the soul of her victim, and become slightly more intelligent, engaged in life, etc. But over time she'll simply reduce her lover down to her own level, leaving him a shell of a human being, incapable of trusting, feeling love, or mustering any strong emotion at all. At that point, he has nothing else to offer her, and the vapula moves on.

2) my ex girlfriend.
Trish is such a vapula; she gets a boyfriend, parrots his opinions until they're used up and then dumps them.
by the moody booze July 11, 2008
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1) to covertly masturbate in school.

2) a class which teaches you nothing and serves no scholastic goal.
this human sexuality course is pure classturbation, in more ways than one.
by the moody booze July 11, 2008
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A theoretical commodity representing woman's sexual energy level, and in turn her capacity and willingness to engage in sexual activity, at any given time.
Reed was all over me last night, but eventually I just ran out of vuel.
by the moody booze July 11, 2008
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A children's Bible. These are books containing simplified, plain-english bible stories with lots of pictures and very little of the smiting and nastiness contained in the actual Bible.
Aw lookit, there's lil Darcy readin' from his bibbel and prayin' to Jesus.
by the moody booze July 11, 2008
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1) adj. excessively, disgustingly skinny and malnourished, to the point of looking like a skeleton.

2) n. one who suffers from an eating disorder and becomes revoltingly skinny.
Jenny was looking pretty skallow by the time she checked herself in for anorexia.
by the moody booze July 11, 2008
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Rape. Corresponds to the police code for same. As 187 is to murder, 261 is to rape.
Richie is one sick motherfucker. He's down with the 261, and then he'll kill you just for good measure.
by the moody booze March 19, 2008
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