46 definitions by knowman

Trash that some one puts on craigslist's free entry so they won't have to pay to get rid of it. Free trash. A couch that stinks of cat piss is frash.
If a listing on Cl is more than 2 hours old the item is usually frash.
by knowman June 6, 2010
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The history of the George W Bush white house. Never have so many been so damaged by the massive retardation of so few.
When the book of tard is written the names Bush, and Chaney will fill several chapters.
by knowman March 27, 2008
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Going to a site like Craigslist in another city just to see what stuff is selling for there, something you do when really bored.
I went site seeing on Craigslist last night, those clowns in Omaha must think their junk is made of gold.
by knowman July 5, 2010
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Not buying the latest and greatest, making do with what you have, because you have more important places to put the money, such as your kids education or your retirement.
Why am I not keeping up with the Jone's ? My son and my money both go to Marquette.
by knowman April 12, 2008
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When a boss dumps an impossible job on you with no warning, or support and wants it done yesterday.
The machine has been down for weeks. Now they want me to pull a rabbit out of my ass , and get it working because they need it by lunch.
by knowman December 16, 2009
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Old, obsolete, out dated technology. The opposite of leading edge.
That monitor is dragging edge, but it was free, and works well so who cares ?
by knowman September 1, 2008
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A goal or object that looked really desirable from a distance, but not worth the cost close up. From grapes that looked good on the vine , but proved rotten when eaten-ed. The opposite of sour grapes.
How's the new computer? Rotten grapes, and it's going back.
by knowman December 22, 2011
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