21 definitions by joseph blough

A condition where your face looks exactly like your ass
Man, that guy is butt ugly. He has a case of the Xactletes!
by joseph blough December 25, 2019
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1) a branded shoe insert designed to absorb foot odors from sweat
2) Someone who sucks in the farts of others with their mouth
“Tom was at a party when he unintentionally let loose a giant, smelly bout of flatulence, but fortunately Jeff the Odor Eater was there to ingest the gas and save the day”.
by joseph blough March 27, 2022
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1) a bariatric surgery performed for rapid weight loss on severely obese people.

2) A bariatric surgical mishap where the surgeon mistakenly connects your esophagus to your ass and you end up shitting and farting out of your mouth.
Steve had gastric bypass surgery last year. He’s lost 200 pounds and looks great, except for the fact that he now has to stick his head in the toilet to poop.
by joseph blough July 6, 2023
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A visible bubble that appears from your ass when you fart.
Mick’s girlfriend was horrified to see a big gasblob appearing from his ass after a massive expulsion of gas. She said “it looks like your ass was chewing brown bubblegum again”.
by joseph blough August 14, 2023
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When you take a massive shit so big it encompasses the entire toilet bowl, appearing like a mountain in the toilet.
Dave ate 40 Buffalo wings last night and ended up creating a Mount Feceuvious in the toilet the very next day.
by joseph blough October 12, 2022
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A fart that is so explosive and smelly that it literally shakes the foundation of a building.
“Man, Joe just blew gasasstic flatulence so power and loud that the entire floor moved. No air freshener could remove the stench.”
by joseph blough March 25, 2022
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1) an ill-fated ad campaign for UPS.

2) it can come out of your ass to make you feel less full.
My stomach was gurgling and I felt so bloated. So I asked myself “what can brown do for you?” and proceeded to the nearest toilet to take a huge shit.
by joseph blough March 31, 2022
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