178 definitions by gnostic1

place. bulging village in Alberta, Canada with one conservative eye on the future, one even more conservative eye on the past, and a third eye, indicative of its growing Hindu population, on its soul.

Obtained from Cree indians in return for urgently needed medicine and future considerations the sparklingly clean town sits at the foot of Antler Hill from which the beckoning lights of Red Deer can be seen.

Cattle feed, cattle tack, cattle slaughtering, and, in fact, shops for all your cattle-related needs can be found in the village, which elects a Cattle Princess every year to march in the Bovine Industry Parade each July 14.

A local zoo has supplied many animals to the american film industry. "Borat", for example used twin Innisfail bears to play one regular bear.

"Brokeback Mountain" , which required scenes of desolation and a certain look to its cowboys, was filmed near Innisfail.

Tourism is still in its infancy but a hostelry is slated to open in the fall of 2014 and an information kiosk is planned next to the highway.

Isn't Innisfail a beautiful medieval city nestled in the breathtaking mountains?

You're thinking of the Innisfail in Scotland. This is the one with all the doleful cattle.
by gnostic1 July 1, 2011
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n. money set aside, when budgeting for a hooker's services, to pay for acquired infectious disease treatment, laceration repairs, forgiveness flowers etc.
Hey! You coming to Vegas or what! I know you got the itch again.

Actually, I've always got the itch ... on account of I didn't have any penicillin money last time we went.
by gnostic1 August 6, 2011
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n. a medical term used to indicate that it is uncertain which venereal disease is rotting your genitals this time.
Whoa! That looks nasty. Did the doctor say what you got?

He said there's a pusability I got the syph, or maybe galloping herpes. He suggested I stay inside with the lights off and the doors locked until the swabs come back.
by gnostic1 March 1, 2011
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More left. Usually shouted in tense moments when directing covering fire, giving driving instructions etc.
Don't put the clamp on that you fool! That's the ureter! Clamp to the left of that.


No!! Lefter!!! Lefter!! Oh God! Nurse, get me five units of blood and my lawyer's phone number.
by gnostic1 August 30, 2011
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v. originally it referred to a movement west toward new frontiers, prosperity, freedom etc. but now it suggests movement or progress away from any restaint, any rules, any authority.
This town sucks man. Time to wester.

Salvador Dali's cryptic westering was initially thought to be indicative of temporal lobe epilelepsy.
by gnostic1 January 19, 2011
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adj. Formerly just a colour but now an indication of almost religious perfection in a foodstuff, industrial product, or political party: purity, organicity, hard work by unionised workers and a complete lack of chemicals found in the periodic table is implied.

Are these beans green?

Yeah. Look at them.

I know they're green. But are they green?

Yes. I told you. They are verdant little kernels suffused with, nay, bursting with, greenness.

But are they green?

by gnostic1 August 9, 2012
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place. Cosmopolitan Albertan city ideally located where the heart of the glacial gravel deposits meet the shoulder of the Rocky Mountain alluvial boulder accretions. Industry is quite diversified. Factories where large limestone rocks are pummeled into dust for concrete manufacturing stand arm-in-arm with factories where gravel is carefully sieved for concrete manufacturing.

David Thompson, a Welshman posing as a Scottish Hudson Bay surveyor under an assumed accent, is honoured with a museum and re-created wooden fort on the less-dusty side of town. Each summer a festive re-creation of the stripping of the area's resources by Europeans with an exaggerated sense of entitlement is staged by local actors dressed as fur traders. Lemonade is available.

Shooting Wapiti, deer, rapids, muskrats, mallards, stoneys, goldeye and pool are popular pursuits as are participating in rodeo events and living life large.

Education is a priority as is participation in civic government and watching hockey. Some of the best hockey players in the world have come from near Rocky Mountain House and it is fondly remembered by many players as the place where they first scored.
Let's go to Rocky Mountain House this week-end. We could watch the rodeo, buy a sack of gravel and get our windshield repaired.

So many windshield repair shops! You think there might be a bit too much gravel out that way?
by gnostic1 August 13, 2011
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