7 definitions by chadsexington4

"this is rodrigo and this is his squiff tony"
by chadsexington4 October 4, 2006
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to behave in a dumb way. or to act like a tosser
bush and blair are the embodiment of tosserish behaviour. nuff said
by chadsexington4 October 4, 2006
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law enforcement officers automobile ( cop car)
take it handy theres a two bulb comin up behind us
by chadsexington4 October 4, 2006
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commonly used to describe someone you dont know when pointing them out to others
by chadsexington4 October 4, 2006
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to be kicked in the junk at tremendous force. causing the recipient to bend over double
if you were losing in a fight and you thought you were gonna not make it out you would give the other guy a nutcracker
by chadsexington4 October 4, 2006
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1. a prick

2. to be langered (drunk)

3. idiot
1. all teachers are langers

2. oh god my head i was langered last night

3. did ya see that langer over there he fell again
by chadsexington4 October 4, 2006
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a local slang term for the cops. not to be confused with sunglasses
"oh bollocks here come the shades drop the weapon and run"
by chadsexington4 October 4, 2006
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