232 definitions by brad

Poo nugget that hangs from your nut hair.
That dood has some rad Dingleshit goin' on!
by brad April 27, 2004
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acne of the labia induced by crystal meth
a tweeker bitche's acne ridden body probably has labacne
by brad February 9, 2007
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"Oh man, who is that BABE over there?"

"I don't know, but she's got nothing on REHANA."
by brad March 1, 2005
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n. A simple test to rank the obesity of others.
(Upon observation of a really fat bastard)
"Geeez. You wouldn't want her to fart in your last pound of flour"
by brad July 21, 2003
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A stunning mix of punk and ska music genres. Tends to result in dancing among people of all ages. Commonly found in the area of Cincinnati, Ohio.
I rocked out to the band Elbowdrop on their website www.elbowdrop.com
by brad May 12, 2004
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otherwise known as 'the shit showers', and being piss drunk or sick can cause this condition. it is when a wicked diarrhea is taken and right after, or during, your diarrhea you have to vomit. this vomit has to cause the diarrhea to splash up and hit you in the face.
'Mr. Lumpy, I can't make it to work today. I just had a case of the jabooblies and it is still stuck to my face, and sludge in my eye also.'
by brad March 8, 2005
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One who is skilled in the art of penetration
"My boyfriend is a real Stabbler"
by brad December 29, 2005
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