232 definitions by brad

A person, male or female, who has gone off their rocker.
Man, that guy is so crazy, he has got to be a greentag!
by brad December 5, 2004
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When you are getting a blow job from a girl and she does such a great job that you cum really hard. So hard you blow her head off.
"Last night this chick was giving me such a great blow job that I JFK'd her."
by brad February 17, 2005
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when a gay man blindfolds a heterosexual male, has a female lure him into a room and has her say she is going to give him a blowjob, when, in fact, the gay man is going to give him a blow job.
man, i was pissed when gay johnny pulled an eli's trick on me last night
by brad March 21, 2004
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ur a dink guy
by brad January 19, 2004
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when sum little ugly cunt looks like a jackrussel that has just taken lsd
hey look at that crack hoe she looks like a jackrussel on lsd, lets frow shit at her!
by brad September 8, 2004
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A state much better than Kentucky and home of the Volunteers!!!
by brad December 1, 2003
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