by chuckina May 20, 2009
A condition that some people have that results in them pronouncing words incorrectly. In addition, others will laugh at them cause it is REALLY REALLY funny.
Bill: Hey, do you have any CHI-WEE-OHS?
Cale: Naw bitch, but I have some cheerios. ole speech impediment havin ass.
Cale: Naw bitch, but I have some cheerios. ole speech impediment havin ass.
by Cale Morgan October 16, 2006
A broken arm or two broken arms in plaster, Originated from the fact that Italians love to make hand actions while speaking.
Guy 1: Awh nasty man, Two broken arms!
Guy 2: I know right, I guess I now have an Italian speech impediment :( .
Guy 2: I know right, I guess I now have an Italian speech impediment :( .
by The-Love-Doctor March 9, 2012
by bonelesspizza December 16, 2016
Any person or group of people found to be issuing non-sensical orders involving rugby posts and Ginger #3. Not to be confused with a bellend.
by Hukster November 6, 2003