452 definitions by YAWA

With so many unique, often opposing, religious Directives, Dictates and Dogma--is faith really the strong foundation and reliable measure of truth on which to base belief?
So, what's the best definition of faith?
How about: pretending to know something that you don't know.
Take the Outsider-Test of Faith and see if your personal savior, shake, shayman, god or other mythologic figure survives the challenge...
by YAWA May 28, 2018
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The mechanical, uninspired act of passionless intimacy dutifully completed by individuals who's long-term, expiring relationship has fatigued from overwork, emotional exhaustion, diverging interests or mutual contempt.
When you're given under 3 minutes to 'do yer business' while she answers emails and texts...the best Pre-Ex 'Sex'...EVER!
by YAWA November 25, 2019
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A dance specifically created to position the highly polished upper surfaces of the male shoe directly under the skirt of an unsuspecting female in the hopes of catching a glimpse of her beaver.
Watch that dude! He's got the beaverflection shuffle down to a science!
by YAWA April 21, 2015
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A semi-derogatory video homage to the Great Solar Eclipse of 2017; the reenactment using an unshorn scrotum to ever-so-slowly eclipse the sun rather than the moon.
Oh, for fuck sake...I totally got baited into watching yet another 'eclipse moment'...except this time it was a total scrotal eclipse...no filter can remove THAT afterimage from my brain. Good feeling...gone.
by YAWA August 23, 2017
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The massive, rain-inspired, ground-worm suicidal emergence, air exposure, demise and subsequent sun dried crispification.
Kripes! I walked out of the house this morning after last nites storm to a mass-wormicide...they were all facing Mecca. I think it's a sign!
by YAWA September 23, 2017
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The recently confirmed hypothesis that heavy elements are created as a consequence of a violent two-neutron star merger.
You mean to tell me that the gold, silver and platinum in my jewelry and the plutonium used in atomic weapons were made in the merger of neutron stars?
Yup, it's called kilonova nucleosynthesis; you get powerful gravitational waves also...check out LIGO!
by YAWA October 16, 2017
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An amazing feature of certain personality disorders that renders the individual technically immune from even acknowledging the possibility of corrective criticism; thereby preserving inherent self-destructive, exclusivistic tendencies.
So, he does realize that what he's saying is absolute BS and that fact-checking those ridiculous statements will make him look even more detached and idiotic, right?
Ummm, not exactly. Our Crapper in Chief is protected by a Teflon Shield of Narcissism that no logic can penetrate.
by YAWA April 8, 2020
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