14 definitions by Tha Pyngwyn


Now that Lexington Steele, he has the meganegrodong
by Tha Pyngwyn September 12, 2003
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Falling Freak

One of those lunatics who thinks that skydiving or base jumping or bungee jumping or any other sort of "falling-to-your-death-but-not-really" activity is cool.
Hey, let's go down to the bridge and untie the Falling Freaks when they jump off!

I don't hate Falling Freaks; I just don't like scraping them off of my driveway.
by Tha Pyngwyn July 19, 2005
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cut fuck

A humiliating for of prison rape in which a hole is cut in the ass-cheek of the bitch, and his prison mates fuck the hole.
We gonna have us a cut fuck? I'll geet the knife!
by Tha Pyngwyn September 28, 2003
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The Wacky Protestor's latest anti-Christian invention used to creat a world with no Christians, no churches, no Bibles, and no God!
Bibleman... that's some f'ed up stuff
by Tha Pyngwyn October 29, 2004
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A prefix used to modify onomatopoeic words, either signifying a crack heard before the body of the sound, or just to add flair.
Ker-splash, ker-pop, ker-smack, and "What the kerfuck does kerfuck mean?"
by Tha Pyngwyn July 14, 2005
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blonde moment

You ever felt really stupid for an instant? Yeah, that was blonde moment.
Example of a blonde moment:
Jeff: "What station is that?"
Dan: "97.5"
Jeff: "Is that V103?"
by Tha Pyngwyn September 28, 2003
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I wish I could afford that brand new Nissan 350 ZJ
by Tha Pyngwyn October 9, 2007
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