10 definitions by Shandooga McGluckfeez

The uncomfortable (or even tense) terms upon which two parties co-exist when circumstances, rather than choice, either force them together, prevent them from separating or both.
That's my next-door neighbor. When the power went out after the '04 hurricane we had tolerationship for a few days because I had a barbeque grill and she had a generator.
by Shandooga McGluckfeez September 27, 2007
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A tall and/or exceedingly slender woman with no hips, a flat buttocks and large, protruding breasts. Grapefruit may be substituted for any fruit that grows on a tree but which more closely approximates the size of the breasts at hand (pun intended).
Man 1: What do you think of Angelina Jolie?

Man 2: Well, her lips make her look like she's trying to swallow a pair of boxing gloves and the rest just looks like someone trained a grapefruit tree to walk.

Man 1: Harsh.

Man 2: That's how I roll.
by Shandooga McGluckfeez November 3, 2010
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Preparing a meal poorly or generally lacking skill in the culinary arts.
Our courtship was ended by an egregious act of malcookage. Never before has chicken more closely resembled furniture.
by Shandooga McGluckfeez September 4, 2011
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(v) A mashup of "integrity" and "suicide" meaning 'to assassinate one's own character and credibility through an exposed pattern of deceit, deception, prevarication, equivocation and any and every other terminology that can be linked to dishonesty.'
Man 1: "The governmedia committed integricide years ago but, for some reason, most people still listen to them. Go figure."

Woman 1: "It amazes me that people still vote because there hasn't been a single politician who hasn't publicly committed integricide in decades."

Woman 2: "I know! All the politicians, the knews media, the military; it's like they're all in a mass integricide pact!"
by Shandooga McGluckfeez May 28, 2008
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A disparaging reference to the same THEORY also known as Evolution among those who subscribe to it. The term "Neverlution" is intended for use by proponents of opposing views of evolution and endeavors to include a commentary on the likelihood of life spontaneously arising and successfully changing to progressively better equipped forms.

Use of "Neverlution" seeks to exacerbate the situation of the hopelessly besieged theorists whose life's work amounts to mere wishful thinking while it hobbles along without intelligence, guidance or interference from any source outside of the lifeforms' already ill-explained environment.

Use of the term "neverlution" is always facetious and especially applies in discussions surrounding the fact that proponents of the terminally flawed theory of evolution have provided no explanation for how life arose in the first place.
Have you ever noticed that Neverlution works fine if you *only* discuss lions hunting deer but it says nothing about defenseless fruit trees and vegetables? How'd those get here?
by Shandooga McGluckfeez May 6, 2008
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An outstandingly attractive pair of breasts.
Guy 1: So what do you think of the new girl?

Guy 2: She's got quite a set on her.

Guy 1: Agreed, to say they're racktacular would be putting it mildly.
by Shandooga McGluckfeez September 8, 2009
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A nose so large that it would appear to serve a dual function as both respiration orifice and a handle for carrying the head to which it is attached.
Guy 1: "Did ya get a look at her?"
Guy 2: "Her body is working but her face is unemployed."
Guy 1: "What do you mean?"
Guy 2: "How did you miss the schnoz on that dame? It's less a nose and more a headhandle. I almost ducked when she turned around."
by Shandooga McGluckfeez May 13, 2009
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