132 definitions by Richard

Derogatory term used to express satisfaction in another’s misfortune.
Ah Wah! I especially like the bit where the fat man fell on his arse.

Person 1: I fell on my arse
Person 2: AH WAH!
by Richard May 23, 2004
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The deceptive state of dishes that appear to be clean but in fact have only been "rinsed" by the licking action of a dishwasher-door-surfing member of the canine family.
Honey, did you run the dishwasher or are they just dog-clean?
by Richard November 23, 2004
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Batman had the runs and took an xshift all over himself
by Richard February 23, 2003
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The term for reproduction and recreation "sex" pronounced in a form of Dutch accent.

See also: Austin Powers in Goldmember
Yesch, after we dansche with the clogsh it'sh time to get our schex on!
by Richard September 16, 2004
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Used on message boards (forums). If someone doesn't get that your post is a joke, follow up the post with </joke>.
Me: Arn't you smart.
Other Person: Really?
Me: </joke>
by Richard August 11, 2004
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tall greasy hair with a unibrow and some fungus growing on his left ear stupid
by Richard April 15, 2005
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Vague, Blasé, Non-thinking, Accepting without consequence, Ignorant.
Lassard-like (as in the character description from Police Academy movie series). "It will just be one vague Lassard-like element of our lives."
by Richard January 11, 2005
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