90 definitions by Oz

synonomous with fuck, bang, lay, etc. More noble than any of them however. makes women feel more lady like and reformed
hes so hot... id bed his ass all night long
by Oz February 1, 2005
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(falls off a cliff into a lake that smells like gas) WHOA I JUST FOUND WHAT MUST BE 400,000 POUNDS OF FUEL!
by Oz March 10, 2005
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Really lame and out of date word similar to Da bomb. It means a poser type person. Popularized by the TLC song, now it's only used by people who think the year is 2000.
Joe: He's a scrub.
Bob: And you're lame.
by Oz March 13, 2005
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A movie where Arnold Schwarzenegger plays the T-800, a cybernetic organism meant for nothing but ...protection of John Conner. He was sent to protect John Conner from the T-1000 (Liquid Metal), a highly efficient killing machine, much more powerful than the T-800. Not as if that matters because ARNOLD OWNED HIS ASS!
The more powerful t-1000 lost the battle when the t-800 kicked his ass.
by Oz December 15, 2004
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Good fucking drink. Much better than 7-up.
Spite + Doritos = Mans best friends.
by Oz June 1, 2005
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Hand eye and leg coordination.
Martial arts requires great dexterity.
by Oz March 8, 2005
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