103 definitions by Mike Hunt

A person who generaly is not smart. This person cannot realize the obvious and is oblivious to reality.
Stop reading this dictionary you stupid dillweed.
by Mike Hunt January 18, 2005
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blonde, muscular, 18 and the best friend in the world cos hes a millionaire.
tutton boy
tuttons bike
by Mike Hunt January 23, 2005
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to take a crap in the water tank of a toilet so that when it is flushed next time dirty water runs down into the bowl. almost impossible to clean out if one doing the high topping has the runs.
Man, I went over to my ex's house and left a high topper in her bathroom.
by Mike Hunt March 5, 2004
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Tool kit for Chevys(see also Chevys suck)
Get the Chevys grenade.
by Mike Hunt November 16, 2003
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drew is a kiwi, josh's mom is a kiwi
by Mike Hunt September 29, 2003
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Also in some South American indian tribes it Stek is also known as the lips of a womens vagina that has elephantitis of the vagina.
Wow, Alexs mother has stek lips.
You stupid stek!
by Mike Hunt March 2, 2005
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CHAV - simple as, nothing else needs to be said, end of, full stop.
"look at the geezer with his nike shox and his trakkie bottoms tucked into his socks, what a wees"

(only joking wees)
by Mike Hunt December 16, 2004
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