believe that

A catchphrase used by the ever so great WWE faction, the SHIELD and seinse their breakup, it has been used be Roman Reigns
SHIELD: Believe that. And believe in the SHIELD
Roman Reigns: and you better believe.... That
by Romania Reigns April 14, 2015
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1. I believe what I am programmed to believe.
2. I am unable to change what I believe just by willing it.
3. I do not decide what to believe.
4. I am always bound to believe whatever is most compelling.
5. I have no control over what I believe.
6. I believe that I have no control over what I believe.
7. I believe that the sun will rise tomorrow. I cannot NOT believe it no matter how hard I try. This belief is not under my control.
by yorrick hunt January 25, 2008
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believe it or not

1. Name of chain of museums, books, and TV show by amateur anthropologist Robert Ripley about things which are odd, unusual, or surprising.

2. In colloquial conversation, an event which is surprising or which seems unlikely but is (supposedly) true.
Def 1 examples:
Two-headed calf,
a man with father, grandfather, and great-grandfather all with the same birthday, or
Hindu priest who can drive a six inch metal spike into his nose all the way into his brain.

Def 2 examples:
Believe it or not, we are having twins! AGAIN!!
Believe it or not, she was choking, I was just performing the Heimlich maneuver!!
Believe it or not, I got the highest mark in the class!
by Edward Dow March 3, 2008
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believe it!

The most horrid, terifying term in the history of anime dubs.
Derrived from dattebayo by a sick, twisted dub comapny in order to subject children to mind control via lame sayings.

In short: "Dattebayo" is a cool way to end a sentance. "Believe it" is not.
"I'm Naruto uzumaki, and I'm gonna become the best Hokage ever, believe it!"
"I WILL be Hokage, just you wait! Dattebayo!"
by Narutarded September 16, 2006
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believe it

The ultimate and highest confirmation of truth. Coined by Naruto, who says it at the end of every other sentence.
The admins over at my boards just sporked their own mods for no reason, believe it!
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Believe It

In my honest opinion, the most annoying phase. It is used by the main character of the anime/manga Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki. The phase is more often used in the first arc of the original Naruto anime, but scares off people who haven't watched the anime. It is only used in the English dubs. Narutards use the phase at the end of sentences, like the hero of the anime, Naruto.
...Meanwhile, in an anime forum...

*Person 1 is posting on a Death Note area*

Person 1: I'm gonna be Kazekage! Believe it!

Person 2: STFU. Go back to your Naruto area.

Person 1 got warned once by Person 2. Reason: For being off-topic in the Death Note area. Please, if you want to join the Narutards, go to the Naruto area. There's role plays waiting to be joined.
by MisaTange July 9, 2009
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1▪One who believes in a diety, usually Christ Jesus.

2■a believer in the paranormal, i.e. sasqautch, extra-terrestrial:aliens in flying saucerss, ghost, chupakabra, vampires,etc.

3■someone into the ecoteric religions.
Have you heard Rayman speak lately, something got ahold of him he might be a believer and I think he is either crazy, lying, or, telling the truth.
by arc_huprnikao June 19, 2014
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