by Egils October 26, 2011
Baker, you're the poorest.
by Pimpin Delicious December 10, 2004
Person 1: "You wonna go eat at that new restaurant?"
Person 2: "No, man. I'm broke. I've been eating government cheese all week, maybe next month when I receive my paycheck."
Person 1: "Oh, I didn't realize you were poor. Next month sounds good."
Person 2: "No, man. I'm broke. I've been eating government cheese all week, maybe next month when I receive my paycheck."
Person 1: "Oh, I didn't realize you were poor. Next month sounds good."
by The Man With The Awesome Cape December 8, 2011
To be poor is to have no money or not much money. and No means to fulfill anything you would like to do. Poor means relying on others to take care of you. Usually the poor have grown up underpriveleged and cant seem to break free of the cycle of poverty. The poor often get jealous of people who have means to fulfill their dreams and goals.
Poor shop at good will and salvation army.
Poor people have a hard time making ends meet.
Poor people cant afford a car, they take the bus.
Poor people have a hard time making ends meet.
Poor people cant afford a car, they take the bus.
by rmfkd September 20, 2007
by the preacher October 14, 2019
The very thing a lot of people these days are. Poor people can hardly get by because they have no money, clothes, or food. & hardly a place to live sometimes.
Im worried about my girlfriend man. -TJ
Why dude?-Sean
We were on the phone last night & she told me that she's been living in a shitty motel for 3 years with 4 other family members. The grandfather has a job but it doesn't bring in good money. They hardly have any food to eat. Their super poor. I'm about to get a job and help them out.-tj
Why dude?-Sean
We were on the phone last night & she told me that she's been living in a shitty motel for 3 years with 4 other family members. The grandfather has a job but it doesn't bring in good money. They hardly have any food to eat. Their super poor. I'm about to get a job and help them out.-tj
by killapaige August 25, 2009
To be Poor is to lack in the looks department, The money department or the goals department. To not be able to get anywhere because you don't have the means and you won't ever have the means due to your sorry situation in life and lack of intellect and brain power.
1. Poor overweight Autumn will never be rich because she dosen't have the looks, the skills or the brains. She's a common fat girl who wishes she could be beautiful and rich.
2. Poor Mike, his brain damage and other problems will never allow him to achieve any of society's goals. So he sits and sulks on his computer and waits for mom to cook him his dinner.
3. Poor Char, with the mentality of a gnat she will most likely end up scrubbing toilets.
4. Poor V, being an inept incompetent loser he will never achieve anything in his life and will sit on the computer stuffing his fat face for the rest of eternity.
2. Poor Mike, his brain damage and other problems will never allow him to achieve any of society's goals. So he sits and sulks on his computer and waits for mom to cook him his dinner.
3. Poor Char, with the mentality of a gnat she will most likely end up scrubbing toilets.
4. Poor V, being an inept incompetent loser he will never achieve anything in his life and will sit on the computer stuffing his fat face for the rest of eternity.
by bheehehe March 27, 2008