
Someone who is up in age, or someone who can't think well.

Saints Owner Tom Benson

Chicago Bears' Michael McCaskey.
by Saints October 6, 2003
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omg becky, did you know that LUKIE is freakin SENILE !
by crazy ladyy ! January 1, 2009
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to be pro at cs and own all :D

gomez and team senile r fukin cainorz
gomez and team senile r fukin cainorz
by gomez November 25, 2004
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So old you got dumb diarrhea. You also can’t think for your own self
“Damn sister Lois is the definition of senile
by Senilepenilehehe December 14, 2018
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Uncle bob is slurring words over there he might be senile
by December 6, 2020
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When your great-aunt wipes her ass with 50 dollar bills, but eats cat food because she can't find her god damn CPP cheque.
"Chef's Dinner is on for 48 cents at the Zellers!"

"We were talking about my college fund Aunt Margaret"

"Friskies! At the Zellers!"

*mutters* "Hurry up and die ya senile old hag"
by JustAnotherAsshole July 24, 2011
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