55 definitions by Leif

Across the street neighbor of the beast - since addresses are even on one side and odd on the other.
Yo, Franklin is at 667, but the dude across the street lives in a hell hole!
by Leif February 21, 2005
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Another great Ticket-ism from the hard line (www.theticket.com). It's a so long salutation basically meaning to remain being a stand up guy or gal. My mother says it now.
Thanks for allowing us to invade you personal space for this afternoon. Until then, stay hard, keep jammin, and we'll see ya brutha.
by Leif April 4, 2005
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A person who is prone to subscribing to both magazines, ergo, someone who has bisexual tendencies. Can be used for a male bisexual or a female bisexual. The term comes from the properties of a hinge - which when unttached, can swing both ways.
Yeah, I heard Opie's a hinge. He's been seen playing tonsil hockey with Patricia. That was one day after swappin spit with Adam.
by Leif June 7, 2005
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The most important day in Norway-May 17. It is Norway's 4th of July. In 2005, Norway turns 100. It is celebrated all over the world whereever you can find people with Norsk backgrounds. I already have my bottle of Aquavit in the freezer to celebrate. It is mentioned often in Minnesota.
Dude, let's break out the Aquavit! Norway's turning 100 on Syttende Mai!!
by Leif May 11, 2005
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The act of really scribbling your pen a lot to see if there's any ink left in it. Often accompanied with shaking the pen in between attempts of the circular (usu) scribbles.
Ralphie was trying to take notes on the important point being made, but was struck by a need of appendeciding.

Once upon a time, Picasso paid for bills with his appendeciding art.
by Leif May 12, 2005
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To emaul a person is to send them a gazillion emails, even though all that could get done in one 3 minute phone call. It could also happen when someone just has to forward every stupid stinking chain letter "Please send this for good luck" "Somebody loves you" "Bill Gates will send you a check! I know it's true, My brother's cousin's roomate's ex boyfreind's mother-in-law's nephew works for Microsoft" Dreck.
Since Maria didn't have IM at work, she and Jen were emauling each other all day long.

If somebody emauls me one more time about my relatives that crashed in Nigeria, I'm gonna have to deep six them.
by Leif April 12, 2005
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1. Caesarian section.
Came from the Ticket, Gordon Keith.

2. Can also be a salutation of farewell.
Definition 1:
Girlfriend 1: Did she have natural childbirth?
Girlfriend 2: No, the baby was breech, so she had a vaginal slice born born.

Definition 2:
Dude 1: Well, time to go see the wife and squids. Later!
Dude 2: Vaginal slice born born!
by Leif February 18, 2005
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